Friday. 20 Sep'

Gosh ! Is a full-day class today & also a Brainstorming day for every Friday. SO tiring. A lot of assignments to do. I don't feel like doing my assignment tonight but I just couldn't. Gotta finish half of them tonight.
CGPP (Computer Graphic Production Prodecure) & Creative Thinking class today that's the reason why am I so tiring headache. Fine so stress.

Sometimes I just want a relationship. But I had forgotten how to love and have no feelings to love. Yeah friends felt pity for me. I guess I just have to stick to my studies and built up my future myself until I find my love ? Haha. Alright. No rush. 

"There's always a song, which get you into deep memories." SO true. 

till here then. Enjoy your weekends people !  xoxo 


jingyingsia said...

The best things always happen when you least expect it, so don't need to rush, just go with the flow and you will surprise by love one day. all the best syna.

Synaaalokkk said...

thank you JY ! Your comments are always cheering me motivating me ! :) Thank You very much !